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Contact Us

Dirt King USA Manufacturing & Shipping
26021 Hwy 40
WaKeeney, KS 67672
(800) 542-4081
(785) 743-2026
(785) 743-2458 Fax
By Email:

MCM-F Manufacturing
26021 Hwy 40
WaKeeney, KS 67672
(800) 542-4081
(785) 743-2026
(785) 743-2458 Fax

By Email: info@MCMmanufacturing.com

Order by mail or fax :

If shopping by fax or mail interest you, we would like to provide you with customer support in this area of shopping. If we don't answer the phone during business hours (it's rare), we're in a group meeting, out on the shop floor or assisting another customer. We call and email EVERYONE back!  Use the information below to assist in ordering by mail or fax:
By Phone:
(Questions & Sales)
(Questions & Sales)


By Fax:

By Email:  sales@dirtkingusa.com

By Mail:
MCM-F Manufacturing
26021 Highway 40
WaKeeney, KS 67672


Hours of Operation:  Monday - Friday: 7:00AM to 12:00PM & 1:00PM to 5PM Central Time. 

Please fill in the form below to submit your questions to our staff:

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